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 Wind energy is harnessed using wind turbines  on land or at sea (offshore). Kinetic energy  from the wind is converted to mechanical  energy in a gearbox.

 The majority of modern wind turbines consist  of three-bladed rotors.

 The rotors are connected to a low-speed  shaft. In order to increase the speed of the  shaft, the gearbox increases to shaft speed to  match the rotational speed of a induction  generator.

 While wind farms require a large area to  produce a commercially viable quantity of  electricity, very little of the land –  approximately 3% – is actually Background 7  occupied by the turbines.

  As a result, most of the land the wind farm  officially occupies may still be used for grazing  or tillage, as an example.

 The advantage of offshore wind farms is that  the effect of visual impact is reduced, and the  open ocean provides a very good wind  resource.

 However, since these sites are isolated and at  sea, they may be difficult and costly to  construct and maintain.

 As fossil fuel prices rise, however, offshore  wind projects may become more economically  viable.

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Natural Gas:

 Natural gas has gained in momentum as an  energy source in recent years.

 As a fuel, natural gas combustion emits less  pollution than other fossil fuels as it is  generally low in impurities, and is versatile in  its application.

 Natural gas combustion fuels the production of  steam, which powers electricity generating  turbines. In a combined-cycle natural gas  power plant, different thermodynamic cycles  may be combined to improve overall plant  efficiency.

 The first cycle operates at a higher-  temperature while the second harnesses the  energy contained in the resulting waste heat.

 Due to the higher efficiency of these facilities,  the environmental impact per unit of 6  Environmental Impacts of Renewable Energy  electricity or natural gas consumed decreases.  Most new gas-fired power plants constructed  today in North America and Europe are  combined-cycle.


 Natural gas has the highest impact in ozone  depletion. all of the emissions of significance,  however, have some element of combustion  involved either as the process itself or in its  manufacturing process. depletion impact of  these processes is likely due to incomplete  combustion forming NOx emissions.



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 The use of fossil energy is the main    contributor to many environmental pressures  and the fuels will ultimately be depleted.

 A transition to renewable energy sources  hence appears necessary.

 Renewable energy technologies, however,  have substantial land requirements and  require more investment in infrastructure to  harvest the energy.

 Environmental impacts hence are of different  nature and to a degree earlier in the life-cycle,  that is, in the construction of the power plants  rather than their operation.

 As environmental issues, in particular  climate change, become increasingly  important, energy use and supply come  under intense scrutiny. The sheer  magnitude of global energy use and its  rapid growth have severe environmental  implications.  

 The global human population continues to  grow, and countries are continuing to  develop, causing steep increases in the  demand for energy. At the current rate of  increasing energy use, energy demand is  expected to increase 65% from 2004  levels by 2030.

 However, the majority of energy currently  used globally is derived from non-  renewable sources


 Solar energy, as the name implies, exploits the  energy from solar radiation to produce usable  energy.

 There is significant potential in this source of  energy: the total solar radiation intercepted by  Earth is on the order of 8000 times greater  than the human primary energy demand.

 Unfortunately, the ability of humans to  effectively collect and transform this energy  remains severely limited. Currently, two  methods of harnessing solar energy exist:  concentrated solar power (CSP) and solar  photovoltaics (PV).

 The former involves focusing, or  concentrating, solar energy to heat a working  liquid to produce steam which in turn powers a  turbine. The latter, photovoltaics, uses cell  arrays to capture solar energy and convert it  into direct current electricity.

 Only photovoltaic energy is considered in this  work. Various PV technologies currently exist  and the area is still developing rapidly. High-  purity silicon is usually the material of choice in  solar PV cells.

 The general concept behind solar PV is that  the incoming solar radiation is absorbed by a  solar cell.

 The energy in the photons promotes electrons  in the solar cell, creating an electric potential.  Cell arrays may be grouped in large collection  to form a sun farm, or installed on rooftops  and building facades as a decentralized  source of energy.  


 Biomass is generally looked favorable upon as  a renewable energy source.

 One reason this source is frequently promoted  is that much of the CO2 emitted from its  combustion, is offset by the CO2 absorbed by  the plant during its life cycle to produce  biomass.

 However, studies have shown that the carbon  sequestration capability of a mature tree, for  example, is much greater than that of the  resulting cleared area. In addition, the  relatively instantaneous release of carbon  stored in wood biomass has a significantly  larger impact on global warming than the  gradual decomposition process that would  occur in a forest.

 The chemical composition of biomass is also  low in sulphur, resulting in lowered SO2  emissions over those of fossil fuels.

​ Biomass can be converted to electricity  through several different media; it may be  combusted as-is, or converted to liquid or  gaseous fuels. 

 Of particular concern are particulate matter,  volatile organic compounds (VOCs), dioxins,  etc. resulting from incomplete combustion.  These pollutants are of concern both  environmentally and health-wise for the  occupants of the building especially as there  are rarely emissions controls in place. 


 Coal is currently the dominant fuel source for  electricity production. Several forms of coal  exist, which vary in carbon content. The  energy density of coal increases with the  carbon content. In addition, higher carbon  content results in a cleaner-burning fuel.

 Anthracite, or hard coal, is the cleanest  burning and most energy-intensive form of  coal. The fuel is combusted to produce steam,  which turns a turbine to generate electricity.

 The main environmental concerns associated  with conventional coal combustion include the  emission of CO2 , SO2 , NOx and mercury.

 Due to the prevalence of coal combustion and  abundant supply of coal in the world, it is  important that improvements be made to the  coal combustion process.

 The most recent and significant advances  include improvement to combustion  efficiency by using different combustion  techniques, implementation of enhanced flue  gas cleaning equipment, coal transformation  technologies, integrated gasification combined  cycle and carbon capture and storage (CCS)  technologies.